36 Hours in Montreal with Kids

36 Hours in Montreal with Kids

"Our trip was a whirlwind and there is so much more of Montreal I would love to see.  However, if you only have a short stopover, it's totally worth getting out and seeing this beautiful city.  You won't be disappointed." Tavia

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Best of New Orleans with Kids: Audubon Zoo

Best of New Orleans with Kids: Audubon Zoo

We recently traveled to New Orleans with our 1 & 2 year old.  We connected with the Audubon Institute to explore some of their attractions.  We were able to visit the Audubon Zoo and the Audubon Aquarium!  Both are highly recommended....even if you're traveling without kids! 

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Kid Friendly Krakow

Kid Friendly Krakow

"Poland was more than I ever imagined.  The people are extremely friendly, the food is delicious, everything is cheap, and the sites are full of complex history.  When you visit Poland, stay longer than we did.  There is so much more to see and we will definitely be going back for a more expansive tour."

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From Florida to Virginia....and Back

From Florida to Virginia....and Back

"I imagined both kids crying (and probably me) crying the entire drive and me asking myself every 10 minutes why I wanted to do it in the first place. If you think this sounds dramatic, you’ve never driven in the car with a baby/toddler who is able to cry for four or more hours straight, who didn’t sleep AT ALL on an ELEVEN hour drive from Florida to Texas, and who’s cry is the same decibel as a firing rifle. Thankfully though trip went nothing like I imagined and I am so grateful."


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Traveling Through the Trimesters & with a Baby

Traveling Through the Trimesters & with a Baby

"Since becoming a family of three we have found new ways to enjoy ourselves. We no longer spend our nights exploring the local bar scene, but we now have a new travel tradition that we love: we always eat dinner together in the hallway of our hotel while our baby sleeps.  We have ordered carry out and room service, but we still sit together where we can talk and enjoy each other’s company.  Traveling has always been a way for us to connect and this is a new quirk that we both get a kick out of.  It sounds silly, but it’s ours and we love it. We have adapted to this new normal.  Life with a baby is different that life without one.  Life with two babies will be even more different, but I know when this baby gets here we will settle in like all families do.  Our life will go on and be twice as exciting as it is now."

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